Mentoring for Social Change and Life - Long Learning

 6 partners from Réunion Island/France, Spain, Belgium, Bulgaria, Romania and Slovenia want to answer to the continuous need of adult educators and training providers to improve their competences and to apply new tools and innovative approaches, so as to meet the increasing expectations of nowadays learners


Ici & Ailleurs


 Ici & Ailleurs is a training organization dedicated to international mobility and language learning. Our public is made up of jobseekers aged between 18 and 60, business people, entrepreneurs and persons seeking vocational retraining. 

European Development Foundation


 European Development Foundation is a Bulgarian NGO, established in 2011. Its mission is to work for civil society development, creation of programmes and organisation of events, supporting innovative practices, education and training of children and young people.

Bucovina Institute


 Mission: NGO founded in 2011, non profit, with aims to support the sustainable development of communities in the North East of Romania, South –West of Ukraine and entire Republic of Moldova through learning partnerships projects and organizing continuing training programs for Adults.

STP Consulting


 Ici & Ailleurs is a training organization dedicated to international mobility and language learning. Our public is made up of jobseekers aged between 18 and 60, business people, entrepreneurs and persons seeking vocational retraining. 

Social Firms Europe CEFEC


 European Development Foundation is a Bulgarian NGO, established in 2011. Its mission is to work for civil society development, creation of programmes and organisation of events, supporting innovative practices, education and training of children and young people.




UPI-ljudska univerza Žalec (UPI Žalec) is a public, non-profit institution for education and training of adults in the Savinja Valley (Slovenia). It was established in 1975 by seven municipalities provides numerous formal and non-formal education program.  

What is M - Learn all about?

M-LEARN project focuses on innovative use of mentoring for social change and life-long learning. It will allow adult educators, teachers, tutors, mentors and entrepreneurs from 6 different countries to exchange good practices ranging from using mentoring for community development and social inclusion of vulnerable groups through mentoring youth and social
entrepreneurs, to CSR-based mentoring and involving 50+ professionals in mentoring activities.


The overall objective of our project is to improve competences of adult educators, trainers, tutors, mentors and business and social entrepreneurs in the areas of motivational literacy and effective use of innovative lifelong learning solutions. In this way, we want to help them create unique and tailor-made educational experiences for their learners.